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Terms and conditions of sale
General:: All sales of phonographic products, web sites, cultural artistic productions and musical shows by JS Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias (Loja Jaime Santos and Moca Produtora) are subject to the following terms and conditions, which are an integral part of the sales and services contract . If there is any conflict between these terms and those sent by the buyer, the terms and conditions of J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias prevail. Changes, additions or deletions in these terms and conditions will only be respected in the form of an amendment approved by a legal representative of J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias. As shown below.
1. Prices and quotes
a. All designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. Such changes cannot be considered retroactive and J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias. is not responsible for revisions of models that are already in the field.
b. All data are correct for general use, but J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias is not responsible for errors or omissions of contractors and their servers.
c. Prices are subject to change without notice, but such changes should not affect accepted orders.
d. All price quotes are valid for 7 days unless there is something different in the quote and all prices are FOB (Free On Board). The freight will be paid by the customer.
2. 2. Orders and Payments
a. All orders are subject to acceptance by J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias at its headquarters in Londrina / PR.
b. The invoice amount will be paid within the period approved by J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias, from the date of the invoice.
c. Any invoice that has not been paid after the deadline will be subject to an increase in late payment charges.
3. 3. Delivery
a. Delivery times are based on the information available at the time of the quote. J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias must make all necessary efforts to meet the agreed delivery deadlines. However, J.S.Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias cannot be held responsible for shipping delays caused by circumstances beyond its control or the control of its suppliers and sub-suppliers.
b. J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias reserves the right to make partial deliveries or deliveries prior to the agreed delivery date.
4. 4. Returned goods
a. The return of goods for credit is only allowed after having been previously accepted in writing by J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias.
b. Only unused standard products (products in the catalog) and in their original packaging may eventually be returned for credit. Products, installations, customized systems that were designed and developed according to the customer's specifications cannot be returned for credit.
c. Only goods that have been received within a period of 90 days from the date of the original invoice can be considered for credit.
d. Credit will be based on prices valid at the time of return or at the time of invoice, whichever is the lower price, and are subject to deduction for handling, re-inspection and any additional expenses arising from the storage of goods under conditions of sale, as determined in the inspection made by JS Santos Artistic and Literary Productions.
e. All return shipping fees must be prepaid. Used, damaged products or products without the materials delivered with the packaging (hardware, manuals, etc.) will be returned to the sender with freight to be paid.
5. 5. Order cancellation
a. It can only be done before shipping the product and shipping is done overnight.
6. 6. Published drawings and data
a. All drawings and specifications are subject to change without notice. Such changes cannot be considered retroactive and J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias. is not responsible for revisions of models that are already in the field.
b. All data is sufficiently accurate for general use, but J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias
c. Any documentation sent by the customer together with a request for quotation or an order, such as drawings, specifications, material, samples, tools, models remains the property of the customer.
d. Any documentation that has been attached by J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias to a quote similar to the one mentioned above remains the property of J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias. The customer undertakes not to use this documentation for any other contract, nor to reproduce it or make it available to third parties.
7. 7. Warranty and limitation of product liability
J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias guarantees its products against defects in material and workmanship for a period of three (03) months from the date of issue of the invoice, as long as the usage guidelines are obeyed. The liability for this guarantee is a. limited to repair, replacement or granting credit, and the choice falls on J.S.Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias, of any defective product or part. J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias is not responsible for any consequential losses or damages or for labor claims, loss of profit, repairs or freight, as well as for other expenses arising from the replacement of the material.
b. With regard to software, the conditions expressed in the "Software License Agreement" are valid.
c. With respect to third party products, our warranty is limited by the period guaranteed by the third party product supplier.
d. Our data regarding delivery items and their proper use, p. ex. regarding weight, hardness, service values, temperatures, etc. they are issued through descriptions or technical data and their quality is not guaranteed. These reference values are not guaranteed by J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias and are only under warranty if they correspond to our samples, which have been tested and released for the indicated special use.
e, The aforementioned limitations of liability also apply to consulting.
f. Our warranty does not apply to any products that have been subjected to misuse, misapplication, negligence, accident, modifications, interventions or instructional products used in a misapplication.
g. This warranty expressly supersedes all other warranties, express or implied, and all other obligations or responsibilities on your part. No agent, representative or employee of JS Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias is authorized to expand the scope of this warranty or make any other proposal. , promise or warranty related to the manufacture, sale or application of your products.
h. Notices of damaged goods received must be made to J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias within seven (07) days after delivery.
i. Qualquer reclamação contra a J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias feita por um comprador de mercadorias e bens que diga respeito à condição ou qualidade ou quantidade das mercadorias mencionadas deve ser feita por escrito e enviada por e-mail dentro de sete (07) dias após a entrega dos bens e mercadorias em questão. Uma reclamação não tenha sido feita dentro do período mencionado, implica em uma renúncia de tal reclamação.
j. Commercial transactions will only be made with J.S. Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias. only legal representatives duly authorized by JSSantos Produções Artísticas e Literárias on this site may change or add terms to any contract that makes JS Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias liable. No amendment or amendment imposes obligations on JS Santos Produções Artísticas e Literárias, unless made in writing and signed by such person.
8. 8. Elimination
As disposições deste contrato podem ser tratadas em separado, e se uma ou mais disposições foram consideradas judicialmente ilegais ou de alguma forma não aplicáveis, no todo ou em parte, as disposições restantes ou partes deste contrato permanecem válidas e aplicáveis pela ou entre as partes dele.
9. 9. Applicable legislation
The terms and conditions of sale in question will be governed by the legislation of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the district court of Londrina will be competent to resolve any doubts, issues or conflicts arising from them, with the resignation of all others.
10. 10. Navigation
The responsibility of the browser or the Internet user to act ethically and respect the integrity of everything that is on the network, where it relates and provides for subsistence and information. Preserving the means of communication and providing an environment of well-being and healthy for you and your loved ones.