Interviews & Programs
1) Radio Orts
Bredaseweg - Netherlands
Presenter: Fred Polet
Transmission Sep 19, 2019 AFL 64
Record of the day 9/19 Brazilian Blend
2) FM Radio Cutura Porto Alegre / RS Bar Conversation (Conversa de Botequim) program
Recorded for the Conversa de Botequim Program at Rádio Cultura FM 107.7 in Porto Alegre / RS.
Recorded telephone interview from Rio de Janeiro on 09/18/2019.
3) Web Radio MKK - Program The South Over
Presenter: Kleito Ramil (Kleiton & Kledir)
June 24, 2019
In the Playlist of Marta Schmitt of Radio FM Culture 107.7 of Porto Alegre / RS.
Na Playlist da Marta Schmitt situs slot online terbaik dan terpercaya da Rádio FM Cultura 107.7 de Porto Alegre/RS.
Contemporary FM Culture Program 107.7 Porto Alegre / RS
Interview with radio Uel FM in Londrina with Israel Laurindo and the coordination of Patrícia Zanin with the luxurious assistance of Lívia!

In the Modes of Life Program of Radio Uel in Londrina / PR with Israel Laurindo and Patrícia Zanin in charge of the interview of the release of the Pomegranade CD. On May 6, 2019.
Link: Live interview
